Mattox Beckman


Your Objectives:

  • Write input routines for three kinds of test inputs,
  • use ‘cin‘, ‘scanf‘, and ‘printf‘ properly for various types of variables, and
  • write code for interactive tests.

Input Scenario: Explicit Case Count

  • Often the input tells you explicitly how many test cases you will have.
  • Example in C, C++

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
  int cases,x,y;
  while (cases>0) {
    scanf("%d %d",&x,&y);

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
  int cases,x,y;
  cin >> cases;
  while (cases>0) {
    cin >> x >> y;
    cout << x + y << "\n";

Input Scenario: Termination Marker

  • Simple. Just check for the marker and break.
int main() {
  int x,y;
  while (1) {
    scanf("%d %d",&x,&y);
    if (x==-1 && y==-1)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
  int x,y;
  while (1) {
    cin >> x >> y;
    if (x==-1 && y==-1)
    cout << x + y << "\n";

Test within the while loop

int main() {
  int x,y;
  while (scanf("%d %d",&x,&y) && x != 1 && y != 1) {
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
  int x,y;
  while (cin >> x >> y && x != 1 && y != 1) {
    cout << x + y << "\n";

Input Scenario: EOF

  • Two ways: test for EOF explicitly, or test for failure to read.
int main() {
  int x,y;
  while (scanf("%d %d",&x,&y) != EOF) {}
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
  int x,y;
  while (cin >> x >> y) {
    cout << x + y << "\n";

Why use scanf and printf?

  • There are problems that TLE if you use cin and cout.
  • This happens if the problem requires a lot of output.
  • Use ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); and cin.tie(NULL); to prevent flushing the output. (Maybe put that in your TRD!)
  • Similarly, endl will force-flush the output. Use \n instead.
  • scanf has some regular-expression like features that can be useful.
  • On the other hand, you must match the type and pass in a reference.

    Code Meaning
    %d Scan an integer
    %lld Scan a long long integer
    %s Scan a string
    %c Scan a character

Spaces and such…

  • Literal Characters
// will read "(10,20)"
  • Spaces
// will read "(10,20)", "( 10, 20 )", but not "(10 ,20)"
scanf(" ( %d, %d )");
  • A binary followed by vowels
// will read "110101 eieio"
scanf("%[01] %[aeiou]");

Getting a whole line

  • fgets (name, 100, stdin); will read a whole line into the string.
  • getline(cin, name);
  • getline(cin >> std::ws, name); to read leading whitespace first.
  • Sometime you will need to parse out the line yourself afterward; this can be tricky. Avoid it if possible.

Setting number of digits.

  • For printf codes:
    • %d outputs an integer
    • %5d outputs an integer, using 5 characters, leading spaces.
    • %05d outputs an integer, using 5 characters, leading zeros.
  • Similar codes exist for floating point.
int n = 25;
printf("%d, %5d, %05d\n",n,n,n);
Output: 25, 25, 00025
  • For cout, use e.g., cout << width(5) << n << "\n";

Interactive Tests

  • Not common yet, but ICPC is starting to use them.
  • Opposite advice now applies: call flush(stdout) every time you print, or else use endl with cout.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
  int x,y;
  while (scanf("%d %d",&x,&y) != EOF) {
    if (x==-1 && y==-1)